Chapter Activities and Projects

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Wreaths Across America - Pacific Airshow - American Revolution Reenactment - Annual Spring Tea

These are just a few of our chapter's activities and events!

Contact us today for more information! 

 Wreaths Across America

December is a very special time for the members of our chapter. We are honored to participate in Wreaths Across America. On the third Saturday of December is Wreaths Across America Day and the members of our chapter come together with their families and guests to place evergreen wreaths on veterans' graves. To help us support this effort, please visit Clara Barton Chapter Wreaths Across America website. The link provided is to help sponsor wreaths for the Westminster Memorial Park and Mortuary in Westminster, California. With over 5,990 veterans buried at the cemetery, our chapter believes it is very important for us to honor our American heroes by providing wreaths on that special day! Please visit our Facebook page




National DAR Day of Service – DAR Magazine – American Spirit 

Every year, on October 11, the day the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution was founded, DAR members from all over the country and overseas participate in the annual National DAR Day of Service. In September of 2019, under the Densmore Administration, chapter members volunteered their time to work the Great Pacific Airshow.

This event is hosted by the city of Huntington Beach and is held annually on its shore. The airshow included three jet teams from three countries, England, Canada, and the USA. The United States Air Force brought in their famous Thunderbirds; Royal Canadian Air Force had their Snowbirds; and the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team were there as well. More than two million people witnessed this historic three-day event. 

Chapter members for this event accumulated approximately 145 volunteer hours and they thoroughly enjoyed this magnificent, patriotic event that served the community and its visitors.

Patriotic Service

Patriotic Service


Huntington Beach Historical Society - American Revolution Reenactment

For the past four years, the Clara Barton Chapter, NDSAR, has participated and attended the Huntington Beach Historical Society's American Revolutionary War Reenactment. Our chapter members organize this event every year. A tent is set up so that the Daughters of the American Revolution is represented. The chapter collaborates with other members and prepare flyers and sign up sheets for the visitors who are interested in joining the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.


Chapter Tea Events

Most every spring, the chapter hosts a lovely themed tea designed with historic flair. In 2018, we invited Abigail Adams to be our special guest and in 2019, we had the pleasure of General George Washington's company. Both these tea events were organized by our Tea Event chairmen. She organizes with great care and detail, which excites our members and others! Chapter members bring their own personal tea sets, some old, and some new, to help decorate the multiple tables for our DAR members and their invited guests. Flowers are brought in to brighten the themed room and placed centrally on each table. All of the volunteers collaborate efforts until the tea is planned! Our tea events have become very popular and have attracted about 80 people per event.

The chapter will host another tea event Saturday, February 25, 2023. Please come and join us!! Contact Us for more details.

Patriots’ Day Tea with Abigail Adams


Presidents’ Day with General George Washington


Chapter Projects

Units Overseas - Sister Chapter

The Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, was the first chapter to become a sister chapter with a Units Overseas chapter. The New Caledonia Chapter, NSDAR, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and the Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, came together as sister chapters because of the valiant efforts of longtime member and Honorary Chapter Regent, Patsy Weikart. She was instrumental in making this connection happen. Today, several of our members continue to support this overseas chapter by being associate members. 

If you are a Daughter and are interested in becoming an associate member of the New Caledonia Chapter, NSDAR, please Contact Us!


If you are interested in becoming a member of Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, and would like to attend a meeting, or have questions about our chapter, please Contact Us!

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