Chapter History

The Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, was organized on January 13, 1974, under the direction and guidance of the California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Mrs. Ruth H. English Kingsbury began to spearhead the mission to create a new chapter in Huntington Beach, California. On October 11, 1973, Ruth Kingsbury was confirmed by the National Board of Management as Organizing Regent and the chapter name was confirmed. December 3, 1973, the National Board of Management in Washington, D.C., confirmed all twelve members as organizing members.

And so it was, on January 13, 1974, the chapter made history and had its first organized meeting and in attendance were 57 DAR members and guests. The new chapter began with excitement and energy which continued because 15 years later the chapter had a membership of 88 members. Today we have 179 chapter members, 12 of whom are Junior members, and we are proud to have eight associate members from in and around the area who join our chapter meetings and events when they are in town.

We are most grateful to Ruth Kingsbury and her vision to start a new chapter and to those who shared that vision. Today, we thank the women who have paved the way!

                                     We Honor Our ...

                                                  Organizing Chapter Members

 Ruth H. English Kingsbury (Organizing Regent)
 Georgia G. Burch Drake (Vice Regent)
 Dorothy J. Morrison Moore (Chaplain)
Charlene McDaniel Shinn (Recording Secretary)
Nancy Donnel Williams Lyday (Corresponding Secretary)
Miriam Jean Moore (Treasurer)
Maxine Ann Haworth Fontana (Registrar)
Vivian Haworth Beaty (Historian)
Georgia Dell Guess Cox (Librarian)
Virginia Gloyd Burgh
 Julia Bailey Donovan
Betty Corbett



And we are thankful to the chapter's past leaders who undoubtedly heeded the call to be Regent. We acknowledge their past service and dedication that made this chapter what it is today.

 We Thank Our ...

                                                  Honorary Chapter Regents

1973-1975   Ruth Kingsbury        1996-2000   Patsy Weikart
1976-1978   Geneviene Korsiak    2000-2002   Darlene Wikum
1978-1980   Virginia Burgh 2002-2004   Chaiya Ortiz
1980-1982   Ann Fontana 2004-2006   Karen Kurtz
1982-1984   Zyl Gritz 2006-2010   Sharon Maas
1984-1986   Lois Garych 2010-2011   Jennifer Garvin
1986-1988   Barbara Milkovich 2011-2012   Michelle Wikum 
1988-1900   Linda Brown 2012-2014   Jennifer Garvin
1990-1992    Susan Ludwick 2014-2016   Kathy Russo 
1992-1994   Ann Fontana 2016-2018   Debra Morrison 
1994-1996   Carol Figler 2018-2020   Alice Densmore

Clara Barton Namesake

Our chapter is named after Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross, who was born on Christmas day in the year 1821 in North Oxford, Massachusetts. She began working early in life, teaching school in Oxford for ten years. Clara then taught in a girl's academy in Clinton, New York, and later in one of the first "free" schools located in New Jersey. After two years, she resigned and went to work in the Patent Office in Washington, D.C., where she was working when the Civil War began.

At once she saw the plight of enlisted men and solicited friends for supplies to help soldiers in the field. Clara was at several battles in December 1862, giving out food, supplies, and friendship, and she gained the names of "The Angel of the Battlefield," "Daughter of the Regiment," and "Their Florence Nightingale of America."

After the war, she turned her attention to the thousands of missing soldiers. Clara became a nurse and later founded the American Red Cross, becoming its first president. Clara died April 12, 1912, at the age of ninety years old. Her final resting place is in North Cemetery, in Oxford, Massachusetts. She joined the DAR and subsequently became the First Surgeon General, NSDAR.

Committed to Service – DAR and the American Red Cross

The National Society has had a long-standing relationship with the Red Cross with having a mutual commitment to providing relief to those in need especially to those who have served in past wars. DAR hails Clara Barton as a Daughter of Distinction, although it is uncertain what chapter she belonged too, if any, she was a charter member of the National Society, and was elected one of the thirteen honorary Vice Presidents General, a recognition of special service rendered to the National Society, of which position she held this position until her death. History has shown that she was a woman of her time who did so much for our country and countries around the world, making sure relief efforts were available. In the celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, the Daughters of the American Revolution has featured Clara Barton in "Ordinary Equality." ... DAR Magazine, 1940.

You can learn more about the ✫History of Clara Barton, by clicking HERE!

If you are interested in becoming a member of Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, and would like to attend a meeting, or have questions about our chapter, please Contact Us!

History of Clara Barton and Images: used with permission from the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C.

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