Contests and Awards

California DAR awards

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The Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, offers the following contest and awards:

American History Essay Contest

The American History essay contest is to encourage students to exercise their knowledge about our country's amazing history.

The American essay contest is available to students in public, private, and parochial schools, and even registered home-study programs. All students in grades five through eight are given the opportunity to participate. There is an essay topic each year and there are instructions that are given to the students ahead of time so the students have ample time to write and submit their entries. All essays are judged and a winner for each grade is determined. Students have competed for American History awards and medals at the three levels within the National Society; chapter, state, and national.

Please Contact Us for more information.

 DAR Good Citizens

The DAR Good Citizens program is a wonderful program that recognizes outstanding young people who exhibit the qualities of good citizenship in their homes, schools, and communities. Since 1976, the Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, has presented many DAR Good Citizens awards to deserving students. We honor our chapter's DAR Good Citizens with pins, certificates, and scholarships to those entering the essay contest.

Past Chapter Regent Geneviene Korsiak presenting

DAR Good Citizens Award - February 1976


Golden West College Nursing Scholarship

Since 1980, the Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, has been involved with the high-ranking Golden West College Nursing Program. Each year the Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, sponsors two separate scholarships to two nursing students who are enrolled in the Golden West College Nursing academic program. The criteria met to earn this scholarship is determined by the chapter under the guidelines of the scholarship Department of Golden West College. These scholarships continue the work of our chapter's namesake, Clara Barton, the heroic “Angel of the Battlefield” and founder of the American Red Cross. It is our goal to continue Clara Barton's mission and vision by recognizing nursing students and supporting the nursing scholarship program.

For more information about our chapter's Contests and Awards Contact Us

If you are interested in becoming a member of Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, and would like to attend a meeting, or have questions about our chapter, please Contact Us!

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