Junior Membership and Serve as a Page

 California DAR

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If you are 18 and interested in joining DAR, you will be considered a "Junior." A Junior is a DAR member who is between the age of 18 and 35. Juniors can act as a Page. Pages are Junior members who have the unique opportunity to participate by helping at chapter meetings, state conferences, and even national events. Pages can actively page from the age of 18 to her 41st birthday. To learn more about Junior Membership and serving as a Page, please visit the California State Society DAR Junior Membership webpage

Chapter Juniors

Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, Juniors throughout the years, have represented the chapter in so many important ways by taking on vital chapter responsibilities all the while being busy in their own lives. Clara Barton Juniors have worked in a wide variety of positions at the chapter level. They have served as committee chairs, appointed to serve as parliamentarian, and elected as the chapter regents. In addition, our Juniors have devoted themselves in serving beyond the chapter level. They also have dedicated themselves to serving the California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution (CSSDAR) in many different aspects and have had various national positions as well.

Needless to say, our chapter, has taken pride in having a great many Junior members serving as state and national Pages. As hard as Juniors work in serving their chapter, Juniors have also dedicated themselves to serving the California State Society DAR by paging at annual events. Juniors have many opportunities to serve as Pages. For example, Juniors page each year at CSSDAR’s northern and southern councils and they page at CSSDAR's annual conference, held each year in March. In addition, Juniors of our chapter take their membership to a higher level and do their diligent duty as "Ladies in White" to serve as National Pages at Continental Congress each year in Washington D.C. This information becomes more clear as you make your journey through DAR and our DAR chapter. 

The fact that our chapter has active Junior members doesn’t go unnoticed. We have had three California Outstanding Juniors and have had several Outstanding Juniors who have gone on to be elected as Outstanding Junior National Finalists, not once, not twice, but three times in our chapter history. These devoted Junior Daughters have exhibited their love and pride for the National Society in which our chapter can be proud. It doesn’t end there because our distinguished Juniors have also committed themselves to share their knowledge, providing their mentorship, and teaching other Junior members all they know about being a Junior.

Furthermore, it is no secret that the Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, has had a long history of loyal Junior members and that is exactly what attracts young women to join our chapter. Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, members love their Juniors and we encourage them throughout their personal DAR journeys and support them always to be the best Junior members they can be!

Curious About Paging or want to become a DAR Junior Member of our chapter? Contact Us!

If you are interested in becoming a member of Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR, and would like to attend a meeting, or have questions about our chapter, please Contact Us!

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